Geode indigo
Geode indigo
What is a Geode?
Geodes are products of volcanoes and formed millions of years ago as gas bubbles in liquid magma. The bubbles remain stuck due to solidification, where silicic acid then flows in from the surface. After cooling, crystals form very slowly on the inner layer of the cavity. These grow over a very long period; this can be millions of years. A real piece of history!
Geodes are found as balls in the ground of sedimentary and volcanic rock. Major locations include Brazil, India, Uruguay, Mexico, the United States and Namibia. Europe also has areas where geodes are found, such as Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria. Multiple types of crystals can be hidden in the cavity of one druse. Chihuahua, Mexico is the place to find special druses. Nowhere else in the world are so many different types found!
The mineral species that have penetrated a quartz sphere determine which type of quartz will form. The chemical reaction that takes place between the mineral species within the gas bubble ensures the formation of crystal types. There are two main groups of quartz crystals, each with a slightly different formation process. The first is the group of macrocrystalline varieties, which contains quartz types with crystals that you can actually see. The second group is called cryptocrystalline varieties, where you cannot see the crystals with the naked eye.
The quartz crystals in a quartz geode that form in the cavity can therefore be of different types. The most common types include the geode of rock crystal, amethyst and smoky quartz. Other quartz types include white and blue chalcedony and selenite. The stone calcite can also be inside a geode, but has a different formation process. When quartz crystals intertwine, you get agate, for example, which is often found with opal. A druse can also contain more than one quartz crystal.
People attribute different meanings to the geode. Mostly these have to do with purity and harmony. The cavity is actually also a kind of nursery for crystals. This reminds some of a womb. That is why the stone also evokes feelings of security and protection. The two halves of the druse also stand as a sign for connection between lovers, friends and soulmates.
A quartz ball in itself has no specific spiritual effect, but the types of crystals in it do. One of these is the rock crystal geode and supposedly promotes one's energy, willpower and purposefulness. Amethyst is related to the geode and therefore has many similarities. For example, it is said to promote spiritual clarity, the awareness of spirituality and the recognition of spiritual reality. Agate, on the other hand, stimulates spiritual and mental growth and provides insight into yourself and your environment.
Cleaning and charging of and with geodes
For many people, geodes have a special energy because they charge themselves. In theory, a quartz ball can also charge other gemstones and cleanse gemstones. For these gemstone mixing methods, you can buy a rock crystal geode or selenite. You can also buy an amethyst geode for this. You can place gemstones in the cavity for half a day, so that they are surrounded by quartz crystal. According to many, this has a powerful effect.
Attention : Minerals are natural products. The color and/or shape can therefore always differ from the example on the indicated photo. We guarantee that you will always receive a product of similar quality.