Chakra: throat chakra (5th), forehead chakra (6th) and crown chakra (7th)
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Celestite rough
Celestite rough
What does Celestine do?
Celestite is a powerful stone that promotes spiritual development, telepathy and clairvoyance. It attracts prosperity and happiness and helps to trust your own intuition. Celestite promotes creativity and is very suitable for people who have to speak in public (and other forms of communication). Place celestite next to your bed to better remember dreams and travel outside the body. Celestite is also called angel stone because it promotes contact with angels and guides during meditation or dreams. Physically, celestite has a calming, muscle relaxing and pain relieving effect and is helpful for ailments of the eyes, ears, throat, vocal cords, larynx and restless legs syndrome.
How do you care for Celestite?
Celestite should not be exposed to too much water and bright sunlight.
Which zodiac signs are compatible with Celestite?
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